SmartScan Preventative Health Screening, Logo

 -Are You At Risk-

Phone Icon (602) 380-3382
Greater Phoenix Area
(928) 582-0491
Prescott Area


Complete Screening Includes:

Cardiovascular Screening: Heart, Thyroid, Carotids, Abdominal Aorta, check for A-Fib,
Blood Pressure, Pulse, and O2 Sat - $150

Abdominal Screening: Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas, Spleen, and Gallbladder,
Blood Pressure, Pulse, and O2 Sat - $150

Cardiovascular & Abdominal Screening: $200


We Also Offer Individual Screenings

Heart & check for A-Fib - $75
Thyroid - $50
Carotid Arteries - $50
Abdominal Aorta - $50